Polished London: Explore teeth whitening kit​ and oral care products!

The Polished London facts you see here were updated . We currently have 14 active community members who are sharing reviews, discussions, problems, and experiences about shopping at Polishedlondon.com.
About Polished London facts & informations

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Based on Rummmor's rating calculations, we found that Polished London has the best ‘pricing’ rating with an average score of 5, who have the same score than the average ‘pricing’ rating of its competitors. While the worst rating is in terms of ‘service’ with an average score of 4.3 which is higher than the average ‘service’ rating of its competitors.
Browse more Polished London reviews or tell us your shopping experience on Polishedlondon.com. You can also check the latest Polished London coupon codess and saving tips, or discuss any issue and get answers from the community. Be part of the excitement with us right now—it's totally free!

Here are some facts and highlights about Polished London that you might not know:

  • Has been serving for 7 years. Polished London has been serving customers and running its business for approximately 7 years. Age of a business is a significant and important reference in assessing whether Polished London is legitimate or a scam.
  • Polished London customer support. If you need customer support from Polished London, you can send an email to [email protected]. Additionally, you can also contact Polished London through their social media: Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube, Twitter and Pinterest.
  • Polished London ships from United Kingdom. Polished London ships its products from the United Kingdom and delivers them to different parts of the world. However, if you make a purchase online at the polishedlondon.com official website, the product may be shipped from the nearest warehouse.
  • Is Polished London legit? Some customers of Polished London before you have also ask whether Polished London is trustworthy or not, and and whether it is safe to shop at Polishedlondon.com. Good and bad things always happen. There are customers who get the best satisfaction, and there are customers who have bad experiences when shopping. So, if you are still hesitant to buy at Polished London, do a deep dive yourself. You can also drop any question on Polished London forum to get answers from experienced shoppers so that it can help you make the right decision.

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Polished London reviews


A magical teeth whitening powder​!

I am very happy with the products that Polish London sent. Although this is my first purchase, the teeth whitening powder works very well. It actually took a bi... read more

Useful for 0 Shoppers

Polished London discussions

Does Polished London work/ I've been so done

I had bought the wrong teeth whitening on Amazon multiple times. Then I got interested in Polished London when I saw their ads on the Internet. What can you say... read more
reviews Online shopping teeth whitening products

Useful for 0 Shoppers + 1 Replies

Is Polished London safe?

I'm very cautious about buying dental care products, especially online. But I've been hearing a lot about this brand the past few days and people have been reco... read more
dental care product reviews Safety Online shopping

Useful for 0 Shoppers + 1 Replies

Polished London saving tips

The store offers interesting free gifts! I won't tell you what I got, but you should definitely try it. Spend at least £40 to get it. This store is full of surprises and I love it.

store surprises Free gifts
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Useful for 0 Shoppers


Whenever I shop online, I always check if the shop offers newsletter discounts. Thankfully, Polished London provided that, too! I immediately registered my email on the website and got 15% off my first purchase. I haven't tried the product yet, but I heard it's really great.

email registration Website first purchase discount newsletter discounts
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Useful for 0 Shoppers


I didn't even realise I got the free delivery service. I bought 2 sets of whitening powder for me and my sister. I didn't have to pay for delivery at the checkout page because my purchase was above £40. So happy.

whitening powder Free delivery
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Useful for 0 Shoppers


Spending a lot of time on the web was worth it. I explored the shop's bundle collection and found many deals. The biggest discount was 43% on the teeth whitening set, but I bought the Mega Whitening Bundle with a 20% discount. Great service!

Service deals bundle collection Discount Mega Whitening Bundle teeth whitening
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